Thursday, July 10, 2008

God bless you T Boone Pickens

I have seen a lot of commercials for T. Boone Pickens' national campaign for a alternative energy plan, to the point that it's almost as if he is running for president. In either case, I have noticed a flurry of newspaper comments written on this topic in the past few days and will be posting my thoughts about them over the weekend. Many topics to write about as of late, and they are coming!


Anonymous said...

PLEASE do more research about this man before you give him a halo and wings.

Anonymous Delawarean said...

My point (not that it was apparent in this particular entry) was that here is a guy who has made a killing in the private sector for oil and is making a concerted effort to push the domestic market into another direction (which will also have the added effect of further lining his pocket). Nothing wrong with that.

There was a recent story online that covered this point a little further and better than me.