Friday, August 29, 2008

Palin? Has the world forgotten about Geraldine Ferraro?

I'm going to have to find out more about this Alaskan governor Sarah Palin. On the surface, I am not very impressed from what I have read so far. I am mildly surprised by how soon the world has forgotten that another woman, over 20 years ago, has already been the VP nominee: Geraldine Ferraro. Whether or not this was a smart move or a shot in the foot instead of across the bow...well, we'll find out soon enough.

But all I know about Alaska is they just had some corrupt senator get indicted for accepting various funds through allegedly improper channels. And since Alaska has a population smaller than that of Delaware, I just wonder how much leadership she has over anybody else. But if someone can point me to some intelligent source that provides an unbiased review of her credentials, that would be great.

I am also mildly disturbed with McCain touting her as someone ready to be president. Isn't he running to be president?

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