There are three counties in Delaware, with the bulk of the population in New Castle, the capital in Kent, and the beaches in Sussex. Generally New Castle is more Democratic, Sussex is more Republican, and Kent leans Republican. Representative districts (as broken down on the state page) are generally as follows.
New Castle: Rep. Districts 1-13, 15-27
Kent: Rep Districts 28-32, 34
Sussex: Rep districts 14, 33, 35-41
The voting breakdown by county:
New Castle:
Castle - 16942 votes over O'Donnell 12453 votes (Castle carries NCC by 4489 votes)
O'Donnell 5069 votes over Castle 2918 votes (O'Donnell carries Kent by 2151 votes)
O'Donnell 13039 votes over Castle 7161 votes (O'Donnell carries Sussex by 5878 votes)
What I find most interesting in all of this is the high voter turnout in Sussex County.
Other things of note:
NCC: O'Donnell carried 10 out of the 26 districts but none of the big ones.
Kent: O'Donnell carried all six districts, the 30th district being the biggest margin
Sussex: O'Donnell carried all nine districts.
I'll leave the commentary about the candidates to the peanut gallery and the 24/7 media since this upset will undoubtedly give them plenty of talking points to bandy about in the news for a while. I stand by my prediction that Coons will now win Biden's vacant seat come November.
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