Tuesday, November 6, 2007

When in Rome, do the 'punkin chunkin'

I decided to go to the World (Famous) Championship Punkin Chunkin Competition on Sunday. Surprisingly, this was a great time. Who would have thought that hurling pumpkins via a air cannon or trebuchet would be so fun to watch. And, since the official site doesn't make it entirely clear, this event lends itself to alcohol, and you can bring your own. Plenty of cops are around to enforce unruliness, and they even have a DOC crew to clean up after you (and presumably haul you away if you get out of hand).

Not too much else to say about this one, but I highly recommend going to it once. I sort of doubt I would ever do this again, but I wouldn't rule it out. Well worth the drive through miles of farmland to get to the place. Even if you're coming from Wilmington, I would say it's worth the trip. Bring some folding chairs to sit on, a grill, and a cooler (and about 10 friends) for maximum fun.

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