Monday, February 4, 2008

Rising rates drive traffic away

Just a quick note that I saw the other day that the increase in tolls has led to a greater than expected drop in traffic and revenue from Route 1. I find this interesting because I predicted as much when I found out that the weekend rates were going up. According to the article, the revenue generated is up considerably, but traffic took an 11 percent drop (as opposed to an estimated 3-6 percent drop). So what effect does this have on the revenue? I submit, "not too much." Come summertime, I'm sure weekend beach traffic will more than make up the difference.

There are plenty of things to write about, but I'm going to have to get back to it in a couple days. While I'm on the subject of traffic, I will state that I have noticed in my downstate-to-upstate travels that upstate drivers are much better at getting over in the left lane rather than traveling the speed limit in the passing lane.

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