Monday, September 29, 2008

777 reasons to be scared for what will happen between now and Friday Oct 3

I remain surprised that the general public has no idea of the depths of this financial crisis and how it will affect everyday life. Nor am I going to spend any time discussing it beyond posing one question: Do you have to pay money for long term loans such as a car or mortgage or are you using a credit card and not paying it off in full every month? If the answer is yes to either of those questions, then you are going to have to start thinking about long term savings.

I write simply express my disgust with how bad our economy has become and wish out loud that the rest of the world economy doesn't get too far sucked down the tubes along with us. Have you ever tried to catch a falling knife? Hopefully President Bush simply creates an executive order to stop this insanity. If your money is still in the market in anything, get it out now!

Regardless of how my voice counts for nothing in all of this, as Delawareans, our lone representative, Mike Castle, certainly is one incumbent who put country above individual partisan politics and voted yes for the bailout bill. So, in one respect, Delaware did its part to try and bandage this national wound. Unfortunately, we needed the other 49 states to step up as well, and without the requisite support, the rest of the world is going to have to step back and think about this a little while longer.

Unfortunately also for every American who is not a Congressional member in Washington, the failure to put out a recovery plan today only means that tomorrow (and at least the rest of the week) will be another rough day for Wall Street. How will this affect "main street"? Just wait until the next time you need money.

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