Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Primary day - And the winner is...?

Once again, the state has held another primary, and while the gubernatorial race for the Republicans is pretty one-sided, for Democrats, it will come down to either Markell or Carney. I still say that given the low primary turnout for what has turned into a three-party race should lead the runner-up (be it Markell or Carney) to continue running for another two months and let the entire state decide who the governor should be.

Given the non-likelihood of that scenario, I simply will speculate on who will be appointed to Sen. Biden's seat if the Democrats take the White House in January. While I initially thought that the runner-up in today's primary would get the nod, or Beau Biden, now I'm thinking it may change depending on who the governor is. Ideally, the Republican Party wants Lee to win in order to change Biden's potentially open seat to a republican one. If Markell emerges as the new governor, I would guess that it would be either Gov. Minner or Carney; if Carney emerges, I think it's more likely to be his predecessor than anyone else, leaving a much more interesting race in 2010.

So, what is my guess for the Democratic Governor winner for today? If I had to break it down by county, I would guess that it's going to be close, but Markell will edge out Carney in all three counties. We'll see what happens.