Sunday, December 30, 2007

Traveling from downstate to upstate

I have a couple of thoughts based on things that have been in the paper lately, but I will save them for tomorrow. In the meantime, I will write a quick entry about how I think I'm beginning to understand, at least slightly, why there is a rift between upstate and downstate. I'll focus on driving, since that's something everyone above and below the canal is used to.

As I've mentioned more than once, drivers downstate are a little slower and tend to drive the speed limit on both lanes of the highway. After being down here for a few months now, I probably have started driving slower as well. Upstate, however, the drivers are maniacs. I was up in Wilmington over the weekend to enjoy the Patriots-Giants game with some friends up there and upon getting on 95, I was surprised at how fast people were going (and I was still going faster than the pace of traffic).

What was funny, to me anyway, was that I thought to myself that downstate drivers aren't nearly as reckless. Granted, some of these nuts were probably out-of-state, but still. Fast downstate is like 60 in a 50, as compared to 90 in a 55 upstate. Thankfully, I adjusted quickly and was able to get to my destination without any incidents. It's no wonder that most of downstate drivers appear to never want to travel beyond Kent or Sussex County. And now, I see why it's no wonder that upstate drivers hate the way downstate drivers drive and vice versa.

Tomorrow or next time I'm going to write about this Lockmeath and Wal-Mart intersection and why Dover should think about closing off more intersections and move toward a more limited access thruway system. And why the Levy Court or city of Camden needs to adjust the intersection within the Camden Walmart property.

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